Speech & Language Therapy
The Spero Academy Speech Department employs a multidisciplinary approach that involves:
- Collaborating with teachers and paraprofessionals
- Utilizing the push-in model of service
- Leading classroom social skills groups
- Preparing and instructing individualized articulation sessions
- Supporting language during reading centers
- Collaborating with Occupational Therapists
- Teaching functional life skills
- Facilitating social skills during lunch bunch
- Modeling how to support language during academics
- Using PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) to facilitate articulation as needed
- Using Social Thinking social skills curriculum
- Promoting play and development of problem solving skills
- Overseeing development and implementation of STACK (School-wide Technology and Augmentative Communication for Kids) Program: programming and use of iPads for communication for children that are functionally non-verbal or have limited verbal skills
- Assisting in the development of The Spero Academy Skills Inventory: a measurement tool of joint attention and social play, self-regulation, communication, functional life skills and technology use